Greetings from Vegas!!! I am here with over 7,000 teachers for the I Teach K
Conference and Teachers Pay Teachers conference! Can I say that spending time listening to
this week’s presenters has me ready for the start of school – AND it’s only the
3rd week into my summer break! I’ve been busy running into old friends – I mean old friends I hadn’t seen
in over 15 years!!! Is that a
coincidence or what! AND to top it off I also met a teacher who
happens to be friends with a teacher who works at the new school where I will
be working in the fall! That doesn’t sound too crazy – but I’m talking about another
country! What a small world!
I am having an amazing time meeting so many incredible teachers and blogger
friends. I'm already learning some amazing new ideas and strategies for
my classroom and I can’t wait to blog share this learning! I just wish I
could transport Lori Elliot back to Germany with me! Since that’s not possible I’ll do my best to
share all that I learned from her sessions – yes sessions! I spent Tuesday sitting in all her
sessions! Did I mention I'm having an
incredible time learning?!
you’ve never attended an I Teach K conference – I would highly recommend attending this one!
More to come because I still need to attend the National Blogger’s Meet-Up AND
the Teachers pay Teachers Conference!
For now I’ll leave you with pictures of our travels through Utah to get
to Las Vegas, old friends and share something I learned in one of my sessions!
For those of you who were in Germany with me 15 years ago, see if
you can guess who this is! Her name begins with an R! Email me!
Thanks Lori! on PhotoPeach
Thanks Lori! on PhotoPeach

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