Saturday, January 18, 2014

Review, Assess, and Rest Week!

We come to an end of another 9 week period and it’s time to assess, assess, and assess.  Think about it – if you’ve been teaching 30 plus years with 4 nine week quarterly assessments in a year times an average of 24 kids well that results in an amazing 2,880 assessments and that’s not counting the additional daily screenings, observations……Wow! 

As we continue into the 21st century many of our assessment tools are changing.  There are several online tools such as ESGI (which I simply love).  But this past week I simply used Voki to help me review skills with the kids while I used Educreations to do my one on one screenings!  Here’s a brief recap of tools and how I use them!


I use Lucy Moosey to give instructions to the class as they write rhyming words on their white lap boards. Voki allows you to create and animate an avatar.  The kids absolutely love the characters and seem to focus so much better!  You can also add your voice or type in a text and choose an accent of your choice. I'll be using these ANY week!

Educreation is a recordable interactive whiteboard that can record your voice as well as your students’ voices and their handwriting to help assess or teach a lesson.  Check it out!
I use Tagxedo as a review word splash.  The kids are so into it!
ESGI is an online assessment process that helps guide instruction in the classroom.  Click to head over their site. Would love to hear what you use for your end of quarter screenings!  Now off to add to ClassDojo!
Did I mention I share a birthday with Martin Luther King, Jr?  Parents (and former parents), and coworkers surprised me with lots of goodies.  I even got my own personal minion! (Thanks Ms. D)

Centers and activities of the week:


These activities come from my MLK product.
Peek at this Week’s activities:

Now that winter is upon us and we happen to be the animal class we will be hibernating and transforming our classroom into lots of caves and will be doing quiet activities such as reading in our caves for part of the morning.  Just as bears have to use their sense of smell to find food when they wake up, we will crawl around the room sniffing for our food, which will be eaten in their caves. The kids will wear their warm pajamas to school on that day. Some of the activities will include having a snowball fight (wrinkled up paper with words they have to sound out), graphing their favorite bedtime stories, and playing hibernation rhyming games.

We’ll also read books about animals that hibernate such as  Bear Snores On. 

This story is about a bear that snores on while the other animals stop by to have tea and popcorn with him.  The party goes on without him as he sleeps.  Nothing wakes him up!
Since I absolutely love Karma Wilson books on the Bear series - I thought I 'd read Bear Says Thanks.

I hope to share hibernation pictures next week!
Happy Hibernating and keep warm in your caves!

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